
Presidents Volunteer Awards

This year the evening will be celebrated along with the Mitsubishi Volunteer awards, on Friday 17th May 2019 at Preston Grasshoppers.

I do hope clubs will take the opportunity to recognise someone within their club, and we look forward to enjoying an evening in their company.

Please find the relevant nomination form attached.

Replies must be received before Friday 19th April, and successful applicants will be notified by email within 2 weeks of this date.

Please send directly to myself at

Please follow the link below to see the letter and nomination form that has been sent to Club Secretaries and Club Volunteer Co ordinators.


Lancashire CRFU Volunteer Nomination Letter and Nomination Form


NB  The closing date for receiving nominations is so PLEASE RETURN THE FORM NO LATER THAN FRIDAY 19TH APRIL 2019 to the address above 

Cat: News