

Lancashire County RFU just wanted to make you aware of the information below from the recent Community game send out. The items that I have highlighted are essential items for All clubs to consider and action appropriately, please let me know if I can support with any of it:

  • The deadline for entering all 2018-2019 matches is Friday 17 May 2019. Using the 2018-19 data, the RFU will forecast and share the indicative number of international tickets community clubs and geographic Constituent Bodies (CBs) can expect to receive. The actual allocations will be finalised once the results from the 2019-20 season have been collected.All 15-a-side matches (U14s to adult, both male and female) count towards a club’s overall total.  The link below takes you to the GMS guide and shows you how to upload your fixtures:

  • The half Game will become a regulation in all Age Grade Rugby across clubs, schools, colleges, representative pathways and Academy activities from next season. This will ensure that all players in a match-day squad play at least half a game in an effort to aid player retention and transition.
  • All Clubs at Level 3 and below are reminded that to receive RFU funding (including travel and the supplemental pot distribution) they need to submit the Payment of Player declarations on GMS before Sunday 30 June – How to guide below:

Cat: News