

We would like to invite any player on the revised list below to the Lancashire U16 trial to be held at Kirkham Grammar School on Sunday 11th September. The session will run from 10am until 3pm. Any player who is not on the list will not be allowed to train. Any player who played for the county last season should not attend this trial. 

This is the first stage of our trial process. Players who are successful on Sunday will be invited to a second trial on 9th October when last years county squad will be included for assessment. 

The U16 season will then continue on the following dates:

13th November - Final selection game

28th November - Training session 1

5th December - Training session 2

11th December - Fixture TBC

9th January - Training session 3

15th January - Preparation day

22nd January - vs Yorkshire

5th February - vs Cheshire

Locations TBC

This season will see both an 'A' and a 'B; squad in Lancashire, which means that we are able to select a far larger squad of players. All young players should see this as an ideal opportunity to access county honours.

Please click on the link below for the Squad to open in a new window.

Invite to Lancashire U16 Trials

Cat: U16