
Merseyside U15's DPP Final Trial

Many thanks to all the players who attended the assessment afternoon for Merseyside u15. This group has some terrific individual talent and for those players not involved in the Final Trial , please return to your schools/clubs and continue to enjoy your rugby whilst developing your overall skills .

Final Trial  participants are as follows;

Waterloo Rugby Club

6.30PM Registration

7.00pm Start

Monday 5th September.


Sahil Sakpkoya

Joshua Johnson

Eoin O’Connor

Elliott  Berisha

Eddie Melhuish.

Matt Duckworth

Will Loughnane

Joe Stuart

Ellis Wright

Paul Hesketh

Farice Burnett

Kyle Stephenson

Finlay Dunn

Alex Buck

Jakob Collins

Connor Melia

Louis Vidamour

Keir Gordon

Rivan Mullins

Rhys Hamilton

Ollie Fleetwood

Tom Peters

Jack Rigby

Taylor Flude

Eoin Lynch

Miles Parker

Liam McNamara

Nathan Outten

Evan Armstrong

Owen Birch

Luke Ross

Tom Poll

Alexander Barker

Ethan Esgin

Benedict Skea

Sam Nourish

Joseph McClelland.

George Connolly

Harry Murphy

Thomas Wright

Theo Robinson

Michael Colvin

Nathan Campbell

Sam Neary

Daniel Leary

Harry Barker


Could ALL players please confirm their attendance by contacting Head Coach Kevin Brookman on to confirm attendance .



Merseyside u15 Coaching staff.



Cat: Development Player Pathway (DPP)